2017 Food Drive
September 25, 2017

It’s nearly time for the 44th annual town-wide food drive!

In mid October, Cheshire Food Drive, Inc. will begin food collections in Cheshire’s public schools and local businesses.
On November 4 & 5 we will set up on the First Congregational Church Green to accept food donations for local pantries, and money donations to fund the town’s Food Voucher Program, from neighbors like you! We’ll also have collection points at Stop & Shop’s doors during the weekend; look for the helpful Girl Scouts handing out sample shopping lists. We encourage you to join us on the Church Green to help sort and box all donations–from the schools, businesses, Stop & Shop, and the Green–to fill a borrowed commercial truck.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome! Join us any time between 9am and 3pm either day. With your help, we look forward to another highly successful drive!

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