Cheshire Food Drive Blog
Give Local Campaign a Success
May 6, 2016

Thank you for your generosity during the recent Give Local campaign. Thanks to you, we raised over $600 during the campaign. As a reminder, the money that you donate to the Cheshire Food Drive funds the Food Voucher Program that is administered by the town. There is no government funding: it all comes from you! […]

Give Local
April 17, 2016

On May 3 and 4, the Cheshire Food Drive will participate in the Give Local for the Waterbury and Litchfield Hills area. Donations made during those days will not only support our local food voucher program but your donation may serve as the basis for additional donations made by local organizations that weekend. If you […]

Grocery Bag Giveaway!
October 25, 2015

The Cheshire Food Drive, Inc. is excited to unveil our new look. We believe our updated logo better illustrates both the food drive and our continuous need to fund the Food Voucher Program. To increase awareness of the two-part mission of our organization, we will be offering reusable grocery bags, featuring our new logo and […]

New Site Launch!
October 19, 2015

Hello Everyone! We would like to announce the launch of our new website! The site’s homepage welcomes visitors with bold colors, a clean uncluttered design, and images with featured content focused on our mission to provide our visitors with the most accurate information on events and donations for the Cheshire community. If you experience any […]